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What to do if your dental implants break

Your dental implants look, feel, and function just like your natural teeth, so unfortunately if you don’t treat them properly, they can break. There isn’t a lot of specialist care a fully healed dental implant needs other than regular dental check-ups, but if you exert too much pressure on it early on then you might encounter some setbacks in your healing. We’ve put together a brief guide on what to do if your dental implants break, how they’re put at risk, and what to avoid.

Dental implants: a breakdown

Each single dental implant is made of 3 parts: the titanium screw that forms the artificial root in your jawbone, the connective abutment that acts as the bridge between root and restoration, and the dental crown that resembles your natural teeth. Each of these parts can fail or break, which is why understanding how each one could come under strain is important.

Risking your dental implants

One of the main ways your crown or connective abutment could come under strain and break is through biting and chewing resistant materials. Dental implants are built to withstand the daily chewing and biting of your meals and snacks, so they shouldn’t break during these times unless under unnatural circumstances. If you’re chewing through plastic labels, packages, and pen lids though, you’re risking breaking your dental implants. This is because an acute amount of pressure and tension is being channelled through your dental implants when you bite with them on these materials, pressure they were not made to withstand. You could crack your crown or dislodge your abutment. Even if it doesn’t happen the first or second time, this kind of constant wear and tear can really detract from your dental implants’ life expectancy. The titanium root itself can fail if you place too much pressure on it before its fully healed and integrated with your jaw. This is why we allow plenty of healing time before fitting your abutments and crowns, because the failure of the roots could set your treatment back quite notably.

Fixing broken dental implants

You can’t DIY fix a dental implant at home, so you’ll need a dentist appointment for this. If the crown is chipped or abutment dislodged, all we have to do is replace this specific part of the dental implant. If the titanium roots fail, though, the dental implants will need to be replaced altogether, from root to crown. This can be a lengthy process as extra bone work may be necessary to strengthen the jawbone again.

How to avoid breaking your dental implants:

  • Don’t chew ice or eat crusty bread and other hard foods
  • Speak to your dentist if you have a history of teeth clenching or grinding
  • Attend regular dental check-ups
  • Follow aftercare advice set out by your dentist
  • If you notice any changes in your healing or dental implants, contact your dentist
  • Don’t use your teeth or implants to bite through materials that aren’t food

Dental implants in Farringdon

If you or someone close to you is considering dental implants in Farringdon, then look no further than our professional team of dentists at Zero Seven Dental Practice. Arrange your initial consultation today to assess your suitability on 020 7253 7667.


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  • Zero Seven Dental Practice London