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3 Signs Of Poor Dental Hygiene

by Zero Seven Dental Practice on Dental Hygiene and Oral Health.

The Importance Of Good Dental Hygiene

Maintaining good dental hygiene is key to preventing common dental problems such as; Gum disease and tooth decay. Leaving these problems untreated can lead to more serious oral health issues and even tooth loss.

As expert dentists we work hard to create happy, healthy smiles for all our patients but we often see common dental problems that are easily prevented. By elevating your at home dental hygiene regime, making small changes to your lifestyle and regularly visiting a dental hygienist, you reduce your risk of developing gum disease and tooth decay.

In this post, we’ll talk in more detail about oral health, including how to recognise signs of poor dental hygiene, and what can be done to correct it.


3 Signs Of Poor Dental Hygiene

Bad breath

We all get bad breath from time to time – some of us seem especially susceptible to it in the mornings – but if bad breath is a constant problem, it could be a sign of something that needs attention in the mouth.

If you suffer with bad breath you are often the last to know, our friendly, professional dentists and hygienists will be honest with you. They will take the time to find out what is causing your bad breath and treat the problem, as well as advise you on how prevent the problem from recurring.


Bleeding, swollen gums

Healthy gums look shiny, pink and clean. If they’re red, inflamed, or bleeding, it could be an indication of gum disease (gingivitis or periodontitis).

If you notice bleeding when you brush or eat you should book an appointment with a dentist as soon as possible, as we mentioned earlier prevention is key with this type of problem and the sooner you treat it the less likely it is to develop into more serious issues, like gum or bone recession.


Tooth decay

It sounds obvious, but tooth decay is one of the leading signs of poor dental hygiene. You may have mild pain or sensitivity to something hot, cold or sweet; or, you might notice staining or darkening on your teeth.

If you do end up with holes (cavities) in your teeth, you may need a filling to prevent infection and damage to the tooth’s pulp.

If the tooth’s pulp is affected it may be necessary to have root canal treatment. In the most severe cases, an extraction may be all that is possible – but we always try to save the tooth if we can.


Get In Touch

While this list isn’t exhaustive, it gives you a good overview of some common signs of poor dental hygiene.

Good oral health depends on your brushing and flossing routine as well as getting those regular check-ups into your calendar. If you’re not doing these things, you may already see problems developing with your mouth, teeth and gum health.

At Zero Seven our dentists treat patients of all ages, backgrounds and dispositions (even the most nervous!) and will never judge you for the appearance of your teeth.

If you’d like tips and techniques on how to improve your dental hygiene or if you would like our expert dentists to take a closer look at your smile get in touch today, we’d love to help you!


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Medically reviewed by: Dr Tushar Enaker B.D.S

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