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Behind The Scenes Of Dermal Fillers

Here at Zero:Seven Dental Practice, we’re not just a team of dentists. We’re also facial aesthetics experts who can help elevate your beauty through your skin, as much as through your smile.

In this post, we’ll talk through one of our popular facial aesthetics treatments – dermal fillers – and what’s involved when you book in for the procedure here in Farringdon. We’re so excited to start your transformation, and we think when you’ve read our post, you will be, too!

The process

As with many of our treatments, it often starts with a phone call (or a quick email!). Once you’ve enquired, you’ve officially taken the first tentative steps on your skin journey – and we’ll be there until you get results you love.

Dermal fillers always require a consultation, so we’ll book you in for yours as and when suits. We might even recommend some other treatments that can help further elevate your look, and we’ll have a discussion about the important bits, like aftercare and side-effects, so you’re fully informed.

Treatment is very straightforward, requiring a few targeted injections of the dermal fillers. Then, you’ll be given aftercare advice to follow to ensure your results develop the way you should and you’ll be happy with your new enhancement.

A bit about dermal fillers

Dermal fillers use hyaluronic acid to boost the moisture of the skin, as well as create a plumping effect. This can be achieved both through sculpting areas of the face (you may well have heard dermal fillers be referred to as ‘cheek fillers’) as well as smoothing out deeper lines and wrinkles.

Hyaluronic acid is key to the treatment because it’s actually a substance found in the body, which means there’s less risk of rejection or allergies developing.

Prep & aftercare

Although we’ll go through this in greater deal during your consultation, it’s worth knowing a bit about how to prep and care for your dermal fillers.

Firstly, alcohol and other blood-thinners (such as aspirin) are off the table for a short time before and after treatment. This ensures side-effects like bruising are rare, or minimal, if they occur. Secondly, you’ll need to avoid touching the face immediately after treatment, or the dermal filler can be displaced. Thirdly, heat and strenuous exercise are to be avoided for a few days after you’ve had the procedure – these can cause bruising and swelling to worsen.

Book now

If you’d like to have dermal filler treatment, we’d love to help – simply talk to us at our Zero:Seven Dental Practice today. Remember, we’re not just a dentists!

  • Zero Seven Dental Practice London
  • Zero Seven Dental Practice London
  • Zero Seven Dental Practice London
  • Zero Seven Dental Practice London
  • Zero Seven Dental Practice London
  • Zero Seven Dental Practice London
  • Zero Seven Dental Practice London