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3 big mistakes your making when cleaning your teeth

If you’ve been taught to clean your teeth well and regularly from a young age you may probably think you know the ins and outs of keeping your smile satisfied. Well, many people over time can start to forget or neglect steps that are a curial part of keeping their smile happy. Here are some of the most common mistakes that many people make in their cleansing routine.

Not brushing long enough

This is a classic mistake made by those who are in a rush, have a busy and hectic lifestyle or a person who simply don’t realise their normal duration of brushing isn’t long enough. Whether you have a meeting you’re in a rush for, or you’re busy with tones of work to do, this shouldn’t be a reason for you to neglect your oral health. It only takes 2 minutes of brushing, twice a day, to keep your smile clean and healthy. If you are someone who is guilty of a quick rinse-and-go, a tip for you is to set a 2 minute timer or have a mini sand timer beside your sink, this way you’ll be able to determine how long you’ve been brushing for and how long you have left until you’ve finished.

Rinsing with water after brushing

Although we do use water to clean many things, one thing you shouldn’t do is rinse your mouth with water after brushing. Even though your mouth may feel cold and fresh after doing this, the water is actually wash away the fluoride and enamel-protecting properties provided from the toothpaste. Instead, use mouthwash as an alternative as this won’t wash away any of the toothpastes strengthening and protection benefits.

Only flossing the front-facing teeth

We all know how embarrassing it is when a bit of food gets stuck in between our teeth. To prevent this potentially awkward moment, some people will only aim to floss the front-facing teeth as those are the ones that are shown off the most when laughing or giving your friend a welcoming smile. This a big mistake because although your teeth may look clean, they aren’t. When flossing, you’ll want to floss through all the gaps to ensure every bit of food and plaque has been removed around your teeth, helping to prevent plaque build-up.

If you’re struggling to get into a healthy cleansing routine, we can help! Get in touch with a member of the team at Zero:Seven Dental Practice in Clerkenwell today on 020 7253 7667!

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  • Zero Seven Dental Practice London